Forestry Services

Dorset County A338 Habitat Mitigation & Forestry

As part of the recent A338 (Wessex Way) highway & verge improvements works, we were instructed by Dorset County Council to clear trees growing on & adjacent to mature heath land in order to extend/recreate the heath land habitat lost during the re-profiling of the highway verge. We harvested & extracted around 1300 tonne of conifer & hardwood timber as well as approximately 500 tonne of branch material which was hauled off site for biomass fuel.

CIEEM Award Certificate
The A338 project was awarded Highly Commended in the Innovation category at the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management annual awards.  CIEEM are the professional body for Ecologists and this was a tough competition with projects from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.  The project was one of three finalists shortlisted from all the entries and the only major construction project in the Innovation category.   We are very proud to have been part of this fantastic project.
Rated 5 out of 5

“We were very happy with this work which was carried out with care and attention to detail on a sensitive healthland area.”

A. King – Senior Ecologist, Dorset County Council