Heathland Restoration

Conservation & Heathland Restoration

Upton Forestry Services has extensive experience in the restoration, re-creation and management of heathland habitats. Our previous projects for clients such as The National Trust, Natural England, RSPB and Dorset Wildlife trust have shown significant improvements to the landscape and habitats in areas across the south of England. We have an extensive range of specialist equipment that enables us carry out swift and precise work and offer the most competitive quotations.

Restoration works include repairs to eroded soils and the encouragement of natural re-colonization of vegetation, usually using harvested heather as a structure for creating a micro climate and as the source of seed. Repairs to redress historic actions such as the draining of lowland valley mires are carried out by infilling drains and head-ward erosion with plugs of baled heather.

Re-creation of heathland from other land uses, often conifer plantation, involves different techniques for dealing with the stumps and litter build up. Techniques depend upon the specific soils, topography and the ultimate management of the site.

Management works include the removal of self-sown trees such as pine and birch or the removal of gorse. Pine has to be felled and either burned on site or chipped and removed. Much of the chip and timber that is removed is used as a carbon neutral bio fuel that is mixed with coal and burnt at large power stations to generate electricity for the national grid.

Get in touch to discuss conservation and heathland restoration on your land.